Safari May Drop Google in 2015
Written by GravityFree
onThursday, January 1st, 2015
in Search
Google and Safari Could End Ties
As we all know, mobile devices are contributing more and more to a website’s total monthly organic visitors. With smartphones and tablets becoming the go-to devices for quick internet searches and casual online browsing, company owners and search marketers are seeing high levels of traffic and revenue coming from the different browsers offered by these mobile devices.
Whether site visitors are using safari via Apple products (which uses Google as their default search site), Siri searches (Bing search engine), Android devices (Google Chrome…generally), Microsoft’s Cortana search tool (also using Bing), or any of the other plethora of mobile devices, your organic search results and rankings can vary. This is why search engine marketers not only highly recommend mobile responsive websites, but also optimize websites to garner the highest SEO rankings from all search engines, despite Google leading the market with over 67% of searches in 2014.
It is fairly clear to see that Google is dominating the search engine market share, thanks in part to its contract with Apple, which makes it the default Safari search engine. But, as we continue into 2015, the contract between Google and Apple is coming to an end, and other search engines are eagerly waiting their chance to take over.
As you can imagine, it will be a good long while before anyone knows whether or not the contract will be renewed, or if Google will be out for good and or which search engine will take its place. What we do know is that if a smaller search engine steps up to the plate, web marketers and company owners could see a fairly large change in mobile traffic to their websites as some changes to their page rankings.
Will Google and Apple breakup for good? Will Bing or Yahoo have a chance to create their own David and Goliath story with Google out of the picture? These are questions we’re anxiously awaiting (and preparing for our sites for!) as we continue into summer 2015. Don’t worry, we’ll keep our ears to the pavement and let you know when the official word from either Google or Apple comes along!